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I announced to post a new demotrack yesterday - then I heard about the terrible news from Paris and initially I decided not to do what I told a few hours before. I dont know how to explain but it felt not right. Who would care for a demosong from an unknown crappy band from germany anyway? In this moment lot of people are scared, traumatized, grieving about those they have lost or in sorrow about those who were injured and a lot of people died. To put this online right now would look like .. a parrot among crows. This metaphor reads a little weird but I hope you get what i try to say.

I always refused to be political in any way when I publish something I created - doesnt matter if its music or a drawing. And I wont be political now but when I think about the fact that the attackers also picked a concert hall as a target and killed all these young people who just wanted to enjoy the music they love.. then I realize that this assault was not just to make a statement or a revenge for decisions the leaders of our countrys made but an attack on our very little ways of life itself - which are surely not perfect but not as wrong that one must be killed for. Stopping to make and publish our songs would be one more little victory for the others - in a symbolic way. And i dont grant that to them. So here it is.. ~ Dom

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